The introduction of the Basic Hard skill is delivered to give the basic knowledge about some skills related to industry such as the process of turning waste wood into simple furniture, SMAW welding and cutting torch, basic home electric installation, industrial electric motor and travo, Programmable Logic Control (PLC) and reading technical drawing plus manual/automatic lathe machine.
The trainees are getting the basic computer class, because basically they don't have the understanding and skill in using computer. The basic computer skill are consist of, Microsoft Words, Excel and PowerPoint. At the end of the training period, we gave the examination for the trainees and we distribute the certificate for those who passed the examination. For those who don't, they should re-exam to get the certificate.
On the beginning of the Saturday training period, we put the focus on character building so the new trainees. The topics related to the character building are various, from "Knowing yourself", "Special motivation lecture from local leaders", "Religious lecture from the local religious leaders", "Knowing the value of working", "Habit and way of thinking"and etc. The purpose of the training mentioned above is to shape the character of the new trainees to be better especially in adjusting themselves to entering the industrial working world.
In order in fulfilling the needs of human resource with discipline and having high working ethic and discipline, KPSE delivering the discipline and mental training for the trainees. The training has a purpose to shape the discipline, obedient and loyalty to the superior and the company without ignoring the norms in socializing to the community where they live.